Thursday, July 23, 2015

Be Reminded

As I read over my last post, I am eerily reminded of the pain of this world. Countless people deal with insurmountable hurt day in and day out. Hurt that is not limited to the physical but presses against the very core of one's heart and mind.

Often, a pain that others may never feel or even understand, YET to One a pain that is greatly known. Our hurts and disappointments are not voided, simply because our "neighbor" does not understand or realize the struggle. These feelings are actually quite real and need to be given to the One who can bear them. In our own strength we cannot carry the weight of the pain that so easily grips us up. But there is One who experienced betrayal and abuse at the hands of those who claimed allegiance and loved them still (oh my!). This love was so GREAT that He said, "Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing" and He traded His life so they [WE, YOU, ME, US] could live.

Live abundant.
Live in LOVE. Because HE is love.

That hurt. That pain. Give it to Him. He said, He would carry it.

Stop killing yourself trying to carry a burden that has been buried.

May we allow His strength to be great in the midst of being weak.
