Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today's Struggle...

On today, the 23rd day of my birth-month, I am so thankful for comfort and peace.  I say that because today has been a lil’ rough for me as I want so badly to pick up the phone and call my grandmother.  There are so many things I want to share with her, so many events in my life that would make her proud; however, in March of this year she passed away.  While my soul rejoices in the knowledge that we shall meet again, my heart and my mind want so badly to hear her voice.  She was one of my biggest supporters and aided in laying and cultivating my spiritual foundation.  Her wisdom, at times, astounded me and her love for the Father was evident in all she was. 

I am sure the Father knew I would have days like these and for that reason He strategically placed people in my life as a reminder that He is with me.  Although, tears may fall, as my mind plays back memories of conversations gone by, the Holy Spirit comforts and gives an unexplainable peace.  Everything in me knows that grandmother would be proud of who I am becoming in Christ Jesus, but more importantly the Father is proud that I trust Him to lead my life. 

I share this with you because we all have days, days in which we long for something we don’t have (whether it is a person or a thing).  On those days we have to remind ourselves that we have everything we need.  I may not be able to pick up the phone and call my grandmother, as I desire, BUT I am able to call out to the Father and tell Him my heart’s desire and through the Holy Spirit, He speaks and He comforts.  He even uses individuals to smile and brighten your day or say something funny which lightens your mood.  He uses circumstances, events and people to bless His children.  So while my heart aches, I have peace and I know the Father loves me.  The Father loves me so much that He shared my grandmother with the world for 83 years and that gives me peace.

May you, too, find peace through the Father on those rough days.

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