I read an interesting article today that sparked a question
I would like for you to ponder. First,
the article I read stated the following –
So my question to you today is - If there is really a pill that can make you happy,
then why are so many people angry and sad? Think about that for a moment. As readily available as various drugs are, that
can ‘alter’ one’s chemical balance, you would think the world would be a happy
place. Fortunately, the world is not
able to provide what can only be given by the All-Sufficient One. The One who is More than Enough. The One Who Gives Peace, Love, and Joy in Abundance,
without the need of co-pay. The One
Whose Life was the deductible to our insurance policy, paid in full.
Yes, temporary satisfaction can be found in drugs, alcohol,
sex, and money; however, if you are looking for something long term look to the
Father – who is the author AND the finisher of our faith. Only He can provide us with a peace that goes
beyond comprehension, as we keep our thoughts toward Him. His love is everlasting and never fails, name
a lover who can claim that and then PROVE it?
Money may get us the cars, the houses, the clothes and pay the bills but
it will not guarantee eternal life or even satisfaction in this life.
