Monday, June 11, 2012

What are You Looking For...

Never look to things and/or people to give you what only the true and living God can.  You will only end up frustrated, irritated and aggravated.  “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” Matthew 6:33 NLT.  

This scripture wasn’t thrown into the bible as a page-filler rather it is ‘instruction and promise.’   We are instructed to seek the kingdom of God and live righteously and He will give us everything we need.  As we seek God we find all that we need along the way.  

One can chase success, at the expense of love; search for love and miss happiness; or pursue money and never gain peace.  Yet, in this passage we are promised that if we SEEK the kingdom of God above ALL else, and live righteously He will give us everything we need.  What person do you know who can make such a GRAND promise and keep it?  Let us stop pursuing things that don’t matter and seek God first.  As we make Christ the center of all we do, we will begin to find the love, joy, peace, hope, health, provision, opportunity, balance… that we are longing for just waiting with our name on it. 
Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns but when you have a promise such as the one given in Matthew 6:33 it gives ‘cushion’ for these bumps.  All that we need can be found, as we seek God’s kingdom, not attention from people or status and acclaim, rather the creator of heaven and earth. 



  1. Excellent post sis! True words spoken in season. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you for your feedback. This spoke to me and I wanted to share. May all you need be added!

  2. Great reminder to shift our focus back to God! ...above ALL else!

    1. Yes, when He is our focus the other stuff won't even matter. He is GREATER! Thanks for reading:)


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