There is a major
epidemic killing off people daily. This
epidemic is not partial to race, gender or age and seeks to destroy as many as
it can. However, the cure has been sitting under
our noses for years, yet in our attempts to medicate and temporarily deaden the
symptoms, we have completely missed the cure.
Let me be the
first to diagnose this disease and in an effort to preserve the lives we have
left, share its cure. This killer
epidemic is called Desperation Syndrome
(DS). Before you assume you know where I
am going, bear with me. Far too many
people are living in a state of desperation:
- So desperate for love that they are “looking for love in
all the wrong places”
- So desperate for peace that they chase bottle after
bottle, pill after pill, needle after needle
- So desperate for companionship that they lay in the bed
of any man or woman who is willing (only to regret it moments later)
- So desperate for prestige that they will lie and
manipulate many to be seen as ‘important’ to few
- So desperate for joy that they belittle others
- So desperate for healing from past hurts that they hurt
people in their present preventing a future
- So desperate for admiration that debt is choking life out of their very being

So, yes, there is a
source for everything we need which will never deplete. There is an abundance of love, peace,
companionship, joy, healing, and admiration--whatever you need.
Read the following labels from the source
- Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. (Mercy,
peace and love has been given to us and it is overflowing, more than we can handle.)
- His love endures forever. (Forever you are loved!)
- Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life,
prosperity and honor. (Look for the right things and what you need you
will find.)
- Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ. (More grace and peace has been given.)
- Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all
times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. (Peace, again, is
with you and you are never alone.)
- Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing
can make them stumble. (Not just any peace but GREAT peace)
- You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are
steadfast, because they trust in you. (Think about the right thing and
perfect peace will be yours.)

Stop searching for peace in a bottle, this source has all the peace you could ever need!
Whatever you are
desperate for you can find in this one source.
The cure for all disease, the strength for all that are weak, hope for
the hopeless, love for those without…EVERYTHING is in Jesus Christ.
Stop being
desperate for the trivial things people provide and go to the source of
all things abundant. “He will be a joy
and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth,” Luke 1:14 –
Who wouldn’t want to know this person, be connected to this person? When Christ was born people rejoiced that alone speaks volumes of who He is.
Don’t let DS
kill you, get connected to the source of all that you could ever think or ask
for. Get connected to Jesus!
The value of
your life with Christ is greater than without.
There is no co-pay, He paid it all at Calvary; therefore, Desperation Syndrome does
not have to kill you, especially when there is already a cure.
Loving Living,
According to
Merriam-Webster, desperation is defined as a state of hopelessness leading to
rashness; rashness (rash) marked by or proceeding from undue haste or lack of
Labels from list
above -
- Jude 1:2
- Psalm 136
- Proverbs 21:21
- Philemon 1:3
- 2 Thessalonians 3:16
- Psalm 119:165
- Isaiah 26:3
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